Sunday Worship March 3, 2024

Mar 3, 2024    Rev. Cody Natland

We continue our worship series this week with our theme today, "Wandering Heart: Praise The Mount."  The hymn Come Thou Fount includes the line, "Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, mount of thy redeeming love" (or unchanging love, depending on the hymnal you're singing from). This lyric represents Peter's mountaintop faith moment. It speaks to the feeling of closeness with God. In Matthew 16:13-20, Peter proclaims who Jesus is. He speaks with conviction. Peter claims his faith.

If you had to speak to your faith in one sentence or phrase, what would you say? When we have the courage to say, "This I believe..." then that conviction has a ripple effect on others. When life gets rocky, our deepest convictions to see us through. What opportunities have you had to speak of your faith? Have you ever had to put your convictions into concrete action? How did that feel?